Архив новостей

PlasmaQuant® PQ 9000 — A New Level of Operator Convenience in ICP-OES

14.07.2015 | Информация о продукте

Designing a high-end plasma torch of low maintenance is no rocket science!

In Analytik Jena’s PlasmaQuant® PQ 9000, the analytically superior vertical plasma geometry of the V Shuttle Torch makes long-term plasma performance without clogging and soot formation the rule even for the most heavy-duty samples like brines or petrochemicals. Precision, blank levels as well as the range of samples to be analyzed without wet chemical sample pre-treatment improve significantly.

The fully demountable V Shuttle Torch with its firm torch base (shuttle), and durable glass- and tube-free yet built-in gas connections allows a quick plug-and-play installation routine that truly reduces torch handling to a minimum and ensures precision auto-alignment. Reducing instrument down-time and maintenance costs the V Shuttle Torch makes the day-to-day routines more efficient and enjoyable.

V Shuttle Torch – clever design that pays off!


Елена Кудерова
Маркетинг-менеджер Аналитик Йена
+7 495 664 9592ekuderova@analytik-jena.ru

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