Simplify Quality Control Routines by High-Spec Instrumentation

…with Analytical Instruments by Analytik Jena

High-Spec Instrumentation by Analytik Jena provides you a deeper understanding of chemical composition and properties for advanced materials in both QC/QA and research. Our easy to handle, high sensitivity instrumentation not only simplifies your daily routines it is designed to improve your products specifications.

Call to Action - Please contact us. We are looking forward to you.

Expert Knowledge — Read our Application Notes

Success Stories — How Customers Benefit

Success Story Dow Chemical


Learn how Dow Chemical is using multi EA® 5000 by Analytik Jena to improve elemental analysis tasks. Download the Success Story here..

Products & Technology

UV/Vis Spectrophotometry

UV/Vis Spectrophotometry

High Performance UV/Vis Spectrophotometers

Elemental Analysis

Elemental Analyzers

TOC/TNb Analysis

TOC/TNb Analysis Solutions

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