Soils and Fertilizers

Soils and Fertilizers

The quality of soils and fertilizers used to grow and support the variety of agricultural products we consume today, play a significant role in the quality of the food products we find on supermarket shelves. Analytical instruments from Analytik Jena are designed to meet the high demands of the industry that requires fast and comprehensive chemical analysis of soils and fertilizers, including detection and quantification of toxic metals such as cadmium, lead, arsenic, mercury and chromium that can potentially be passed onto the end consumer.

Determination of the Content of TOC/TNb in Soils

Determination of the Content of TOC/TNb in Soils after Potassium Sulfate Extraction

In the case of site characterization of cultivation areas in agriculture, an important parameter is the determination of microbial biomass in soils, as well as dissolved organic matter (DOM), which are the basis of the microorganisms' diet.

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Analysis of Heavy Metals in Iron-based Fertilizers by HR ICP-OES

Analysis of Heavy Metals in Iron-based Fertilizers by HR ICP-OES

The analysis of Iron-rich samples by ICP-OES is often very demanding since prominent Iron-based spectral interferences affect many of the most sensitive commonly used emission lines of heavy metals. The application note shows the analysis of Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn contents in a commercial Iron (II) sulfate provided by a manufacturer of fertilizers.

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