Fresh & Sea Water

Water Analysis

Discover solutions and applications for the analysis for different kinds of water samples.

Speed Up Your Work – High-throughput Analysis of Drinking Water with ICP-MS

Speed Up Your Work — High-throughput Analysis of Drinking Water with ICP-MS

Quality control for drinking water is regulated by international and national regulations and norms. For example, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the Method 200.8 which specifies criteria for the determination of trace elements in waters and wastes by ICP-MS.

Learn about the high-throughput analysis of drinking water according to EPA Method 200.8

Determination of the Content of TOC/TNb in Soils

Ultra-Trace Determination of Mercury in Environmental Waters Using the PlasmaQuant® MS

Mercury is a well-known toxic element and considered as one of the top ten chemicals of public health concern by the World Health Organization. It is a neurotoxin that rapidly bioaccumulates and can cause major health problems, and even death, in small quantities. Chronic exposure at low levels is known to affect the nervous, digestive and immune systems as well as the lungs, kidneys and eyes with fetuses and breast feeding babies susceptible to developmental effects.

Learn about how to determine mercury in water samples with ICP-MS

Mercury in the Environment - Which technique is best for me?

Mercury in the EnvironmentWhich technique is best for me?

Mercury is considered as one of the top ten chemicals of public health concern by the World Health Organization. Its toxic nature has resulted in the development of various techniques and instrumentation for measuring this life-threatening element.

Read the full publication and learn more about advantages and limitations of the various techniques

TOC Determination in Raw and Drinking Water

TOC Determination in Raw and Drinking water

Clean drinking water is the most important food for humans, and measures to ensure its healthiness and purity are therefore highly regulated by law. For instance, in the EU, the European drinking water directive1 defines purity requirements, cleanup and disinfection methods, and sampling and measurement intervals.

Discover our stress-free method to determine TOC in natural and drinking water samples

Determination of Trace Elements in Seawater

Determination of Trace Elements in Seawater Using ICP-MS

Clean drinking water is the most important food for humans, and measures to ensure its healthiness and purity are therefore highly regulated by law. For instance, in the EU, the European drinking water directive1 defines purity requirements, cleanup and disinfection methods, and sampling and measurement intervals.

Learn about a reliable, hassle-free way to determine trace elements in Seawater

Direct Analysis of Saline Matrices by HR ICP-OES

Direct Analysis of Saline Matrices by HR ICP-OES

Since saline matrices are used for various purposes, a large number of elements with limits of detection as low as possible are of interest. With sub-ppb detection limits for trace element analysis and being able to tolerate salt concentrations of up to 300 g/L HR ICP-OES provides a sensitive alternative to ICP-MS.

Learn about a reliable, hassle-free way to determine trace elements in Seawater

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