Food Processing and Packaging

Food Processing and Packaging

Food processing and packaging aim at preserving and improving the quality of food products in regards to taste, smell and look. While nutritional value and health promoting properties gain in importance, during food processing, e.g. refining, frying or baking, as well as storage undesirable and harmful compounds may be formed, that have to be monitored by QA/QC labs.
Analytik Jena offers diverse instruments and solutions to control such compounds.

Determination of the color intensity of beer samples for quality control using UV/Vis Analysis.

Using SPECORD® PLUS for UV/Vis Analysis of Beer: Color

UV/Vis spectroscopy offers relatively inexpensive and uncomplicated methods for measuring and analyzing parameters crucial to the quality of beer production, e.g. absorbance measurements for fast and simple determination of the color intensity.

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Determination of Total Chlorine in Palm Oil with the Elemental Analyzer multi EA 5000

Determination of Total Chlorine in Palm Oil with the Elemental Analyzer multi EA® 5000

Refined palm oil is used in most diverse food products. During refining 3-MCPD (containing chemically-bound chlorine) may be formed, which is suspected to have adverse health effects. Elemental analysis provides a fast and accurate method for the determination of total chlorine contents and hence a risk assessment for 3-MCPD formation in palm oil.

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Analysis of Phosphorus in Sunflower Oil by HR ICP-OES

Analysis of Phosphorus in Sunflower Oil by HR ICP-OES

Phosphorus is monitored in the refining of edible oils as phosphorous compounds affect the quality of the final oil. This work describes a straightforward method for ICP-OES on the PlasmaQuant® PQ 9000 Elite, which allows the interference-free analysis of phosphorus among other elements in one run with exceptionally low detection limits.

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